As the school year comes to a close, we are saying "so long, see ya next year," but also "goodbye" to a few of our staff members. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors! Mrs. Heider will be welcoming her first child this summer. Miss Matson is looking to work closer to home. Miss Fresh will be broadening her horizons in education.
Father Dan will take the lead role as the School Chaplain, celebrating our Masses each Monday and working with our students that would like to become part of the Catholic Community. Mrs. Zabinski will be headed back to part time, teaching music and directing band, chorus, and drama.
After 30 years of service to our Assumption community Mrs. Joanne Moloney will be retiring. She has worked as our resource teacher, student council advisor, and bulletin writer, to name a few things, over the last 30 years. She gives her heart and soul to the school, and we will miss her very much!