The City Called “It” (Created completely by the children in First Grade)
Co-operative learning is alive and well in First Grade. It has been so heartwarming to observe all the children working together to create an amazing Lego city called “It”. Construction began somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas and has been an ongoing project ever since. Presently, “It” is complete with a Town Hall, a Police Station, an Animal Shelter, pets for the shop, a vet’s truck, a Gas Station, a Toy Store, a circus, a forest, people, cars, a work shop, three houses, a park, a playground, a pond, a table, an exer-cise place, a museum with a big snowflake, people sitting on a bench in the park, a picnic table with juices, water, and sandwiches on it, an ice cream shop, a grocery, a bank, a school, and an apartment building (under construction). I can’t wait to see what they build next. Their imaginations are amazing. Recently, I asked them if they were done so that maybe we could use the table for some-thing else. In unison, they let me know that they were still building “It” and I could not take it down. Maybe “It” will be up until June.