Educating the Whole Child:
Mind, Body and Spirit.
The Art Room looked at Catholic Schools Week being the perfect opportunity to reach out to another Catholic School. Our 4th-8th Graders created beautiful pop-up “Kindness Cards” with messages such as “God Loves You", "You are Amazing", and "Stay Fabulous.” These kind messages were delivered to the students at Our Lady of the Valley (OLV), in Uxbridge.
The cards were received with enormous smiles. To be honest, it was not a surprise that the OLV Art students immediately created cards to be sent back to Assumption School. Many friendships have been created by becoming penpals or tex-ting buddies. This experience has spread many smiles, silly giggles and simple happiness to all of us. Once again, my students continue to remind each other that God’s kindness and love is meant to be share.